What is that little voice saying about you right now? She may be telling you that you’re wasting time and should be doing something more productive. Maybe she has something to say about your hair or outfit. That voice is such a %!$?#. Like what is she even talking about? As women, the lifelong fight […]
The Two Fridas – Frida Kahla, 1939 ℅ fridakahlo.org We are here and it is now – the perfect opportunity to gently teach ourselves how to truly live in the present. The world still spins quietly, offering each moment as they last just a pinch longer than they would in the Spring. Now is the […]
What does it really mean to tend to the soil in your metaphorical garden? It’s exactly the same as your real garden, except instead of dirt under your fingernails, digging it up can leave you with unresolved emotions. When it comes time to plant seeds of inspiration and creative aspirations in the Spring, we will […]
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