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Seasonal Perspective

Winter Reflections: Week 2

What does it really mean to tend to the soil in your metaphorical garden?

It’s exactly the same as your real garden, except instead of dirt under your fingernails, digging it up can leave you with unresolved emotions.

When it comes time to plant seeds of inspiration and creative aspirations in the Spring, we will be confident that our soil has all of the aeration and nutrients that it needs because of the internal work that Winter is guiding us through.

Consider this the “dirty” work of living in accordance with the seasons. Yes there will be weeds to pull and pests to keep away once it’s thriving, but for now, we’re really digging in to make sure all that remains is that which nurtures new and continuous growth.

The pangs of grief lose their momentum over time. As we learn to acknowledge that which we have lost, we learn to also accept living with grief in exchange. The cycle, like the seasons, serves its own purpose: to help us better grant ourselves the grace to sit with our emotions as needed. Denial, anger, bargaining, and depression, as hard as they can be to live with, will not last forever unless we let them.

Acceptance, like the Summertime sunshine, is also a part of this cycle, and will also encompass as much as you allow.

Before beginning this week’s journal prompt for the Winter Reflections event, take a moment with yourself in the mirror. Look at your reflection, make sure she knows how much you love her, and remind her that she will always have the grace to let go of what does not serve her.

This week, we’ll be digging deep into our metaphorical soil to dig up any emotions from the last year that are still sticking around. As you write in your journal, take the time to analyze your grief in such a way that it is a tool to help you plant new seeds in the Spring. You are harnessing your ability to be self-aware! Utilize this opportunity to sit with your emotions and how they affect you, then embrace that awareness to inform how you will continue to grow this coming year.

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