“Never underestimate the importance of the beginning. Of anything. The beginning has the seeds of everything else to come.”
– Carolyn Coman
The cozy personal time we spent with ourselves over the winter has sharpened our intuition as we take our first steps into the season of action. Spring beckons us to choose our seeds, and our inner ecosystem will tell us when those seeds are ready to be planted.
When visions are planted, they are already ripe and dripping with possibility. A seed is a house unto itself, and a happy home at that! Potential waits patiently inside, keeping things tidy until you are ready for her to break through the soil.
An apple may hold just a few seeds, but each seed can grow a thousand apples. As you take the first steps toward your goals for 2025, remember it is the quality of nourishment for your success that matters, not the number of goals you achieve.
Remember too that we, like seeds, can only grow and thrive with the support of our community. Seeds need soil for safety and nutrients, sunlight for growth, and water to sustain them throughout the cycles of their lives.

Consider your soil where you have grounded yourself – the place you call home. How did you create this space to serve you in this way? What keeps its walls sacred and strong?
Now consider your sunlight: the warmth and invigoration that carries what you require to grow and blossom. How do your loved ones nourish you in this way? In your community, who guides you upward toward reaching your goals? How are you best supported by others?
Your water, your life force, is what sustains you from root to leaf. You would not be here without it and you know it better than anyone, because it has nourished you every step of the way through your journey of life.
No matter how you plant your seeds of action this year, trust that they are bound to grow toward your goals. Nature always has a way: roots inevitably find stability just like flowers are bound to reach for the sun. Your intuition exists to serve you in the same ways, so trust yourself to draw nourishment when you need it, and from the proper source.
We are only ever a message away and are always willing to support you however we can. Cheers to these first steps of Spring, ladies! This year’s harvest is going to be amazing. We can’t wait to see how you begin toward your goals this season.

As we collectively take the action to plan for a fruitful year, we aim to keep you inspired with weekly seasonal guidance. The month of April will have our focus on intention, making sure our actions and desires are crystal clear. May will bring our attention to tending to growth, which includes finding a pace of success that serves us best. Our transition to full on action will begin in June until the Summer Solstice!
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when our weekly seasonal inspiration is posted, and follow us on Instagram so we can share our journeys!

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