a pile of candy hearts with one legible one that reads "love me"

Winter Reflections: Week 5

What is that little voice saying about you right now? She may be telling you that you’re wasting time and should be doing something more productive. Maybe she has something to say about your hair or outfit.  That voice is such a %!$?#. Like what is she even talking about? As women, the lifelong fight […]

February Newsletter

The Two Fridas – Frida Kahla, 1939 ℅ fridakahlo.org We are here and it is now – the perfect opportunity to gently teach ourselves how to truly live in the present. The world still spins quietly, offering each moment as they last just a pinch longer than they would in the Spring. Now is the […]

Winter Reflections: Week 3

“A seed knows how to wait… a seed is alive while it waits.”  — Hope Jahren For our Winter Journaling event this week, we are taking one final journal session to reflect on the previous year. We invite you to take a quiet moment to yourself and truly show gratitude to the woman you were […]

Winter Reflections: Week 2

What does it really mean to tend to the soil in your metaphorical garden? It’s exactly the same as your real garden, except instead of dirt under your fingernails, digging it up can leave you with unresolved emotions. When it comes time to plant seeds of inspiration and creative aspirations in the Spring, we will […]

Winter Reflections: Week 1

A look to the future, a reflection on the past, and a prompt for the present. Winter’s full splendor is doing what she does best: driving us to tuck ourselves away for hibernation. We are ready to sit down with our Elevate journals to reflect on one full year of living alongside the seasons and how it helped us […]

January Newsletter

Martha Graham in Lamentation No.3 by Herta Moselsio, Date Unknown. Source: Library of Congress The earth is quiet and we follow suit in peaceful harmony. The birds have gone and the bees are sleeping, while all signs of life from our gardens have long since nourished us in return for tending their growth all year. […]

Gifts of the Seasons

We did it, ladies. We danced with the cycle of the seasons as they fueled our gardens of creativity, accepting each unique gift from Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall as our endeavors were nourished to fruition. We chose our seeds and carefully placed them in the soil, diligently watering and clearing the earth to encourage […]

A Christmas tree sits on the left of the image, and Mrs. Claus stands partially behind it. She's looking to the right with a big grin.

The Mrs. Claus Effect

Women are the cornerstones of celebration. We see you standing tall with that #MainCharacterEnergy, protecting your peace and delivering a fun and festive holiday experience to those around you. Yes, we have been sharing inspiration with you about slowing down for the season… and we know that sometimes that isn’t an option. Those of us […]

To Give + Receive

After nearly an entire calendar year of tending our gardens of creativity (both literal and metaphorical), we have an arsenal of knowledge and experience to add to our personal growth. Finding our pacing with each season uncovered strengths within us that flourished with the rain, sun, and falling leaves. Two things are now inevitable: the […]

December Newsletter

Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Fall III, 1999; Cibachrome print mounted on aluminum, 38 x 39 in.; National Museum of Women in the Arts, Gift of Heather and Tony Podesta Collection; © Charlotte Gyllenhammar (℅ nmwa.org) Shorter days and colder nights invite our creativity to turn inward, waiting for us to dive once more into a rich inner […]

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