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Seasonal Perspective

An Autumnal Perspective

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With faint dry sound,

Like steps of passing ghosts,

The leaves, frost-crisp’d, break from the trees

And fall.

November Night by Adelaide Crapsey

Here we are, still riding the waves of warm sunshine as they gracefully begin to fade. The nights are cooling down and the earth seems to be sighing in reprieve – after all, she has spent all year helping us to nourish our gardens, from soil and seed to fruition.

Autumn seems to have her own sense of humor, igniting a vigor within us for soft sweaters and hot drinks as we enjoy her change of scenery; yet it’s no secret that her heavy sighs slowly let go of the life that has thrived since Spring. It seems to be nature’s way of giving back: all the love and care we used to nourish our soil has now circled back as a bountiful harvest, nourishing us in return.

Our work in tending to our gardens is over for the year. Instead, it’s time to reap the rewards of everything we have grown. We find a new confidence in the changing of our wardrobes just as the earth, in her timeless wisdom, sheds her layers in preparation for what’s to come. 

The energy of this season is that of the harvest: bountiful. Unlike the playful days of Summer though, this bountiful energy comes from within and beckons us to find it in the people around us – the communities that have welcomed, loved, and lifted us throughout the year.

We have invested our time and efforts into our soil before seeds were even a thought. We diligently planted and watered, nursing new growth and strong roots at a steady pace. We welcomed the splendor of sunshine and fresh air, ourselves growing with our literal and metaphorical gardens. 

Now is the time to bring what we have grown from the garden to the table. 

This seasonal perspective has served us as creative women since last Winter, guiding us to seek our own truth and invest in our inherent gifts. We have flourished with each equinox in unique ways, carving out our individual paths while finding common ground with other women who walk their own. 

Now is the time to come together and revel in the abundance we have created: the investment in ourselves and the world around us.

Various photos and logos for Maestra Masterclass vendors including Nana's Tea Room, Poppy on Main, CocoGlow, A Leap of Taste, Bonnie Nork's Treats, and a photo of guest speaker Georgene Rice.

Whether your garden has been literal or metaphorical, nourishment is vital for our bodies and souls. We have quite the feast coming up for the next Maestra Masterclass, with seasonal faire by Keegan Mueller from A Leap of Taste, desserts from Bonnie Nork’s Treats (with some CocoGlow herbal goodness mixed in!), and a bespoke blend from Nana’s Tea Room.

The soul food will be served by our guest speaker Georgene Rice as she guides us through the Art of Conversation. We as humans long for meaningful connection. We as women long for safe spaces of vulnerability. As we come together, we can have it all and enjoy it together.

Click here to reserve your seat for the Maestra Masterclass.

As we wrap up Miss America Month, the Virtuosa Society Podcast has kicked off its second season with a rather unique story of the Miss America that almost never was.

In the wake of 9/11, contestants gathered for a raw and necessary conversation about whether to continue the pageant. Apprehension was expected, though many voices echoed the need for leadership in a time of crisis.

A total of 51 contestants came together to discuss and ultimately vote on whether to move forward or step aside in the wake of a national tragedy. This is exactly what we want to harness this time of year: we call upon all women to come together and facilitate authentic communication to shift the paradigm, allowing us to affect others in more meaningful ways.

In the words of Katie Harman herself, the Miss America that almost never was:

“I now realize that – ironically – the more specific your story is, the more room there is for people to find themselves in it…. And we are in the business of celebrating every woman’s story.” 

Click here to listen to Season 2 Episode 1 of the Virtuosa Society Podcast: One Vote, One Voice

As we take this season to celebrate our hard work throughout the year, may we take time to truly connect with others and share our stories, our voices, and our bountiful harvests. We have the power to shatter glass ceilings, and we also have the power to make those ceilings a distant memory for future generations. May we harness our individual experiences as our superpowers, know we are always worthy and welcome to the table, and maybe find a new favorite sweater along the way. 

Happy Autumn from the Virtuosa Society Team!

A quote from Gloria Steinem that reads: To me, the model of success is not linear. Success is completing the full circle of yourself.

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